Should Christians interact with the world?

It seems there is an ever-increasing divide between the world and the Christian faith. However, that does not mean we simple avoid interacting with the world and staying in a ‘Christian bubble’. It isn’t Biblical for one thing – Christians are called to go out into the world and communicate the good news of the gospel message (Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15). Let’s explore the question ‘Should Christians interact with the world?’ a little more.

So, why are we bothering to ask the question ‘Should Christians interact with the world?’ Many people would probably automatically just say ‘Yes’ – unless perhaps they belong to a strange cult. In reality, it is important to see and try to understand what is happening in the world – how people react, what is being said and done – to be wise in understanding (Proverbs 1:5-7, James 3:13-17).

Christians can’t ignore what is going around them and across the world

If nothing else, there are increasing signs that we are truely living in the ‘end times’, but the end times could last thousands of years, or perhaps just a little while longer. No-one knows exactly when Christ will return – even Christians have no idea (though many have tried to predict and failed thus far), and the Bible specifically says we won’t ever know until it actually happens (Matthew 24:36).

Instead Christians simply need to be ready for it, as if it might happen at any moment (Luke 12:40). From a worldly perspective, over the last 100 years or so with the dawn of the nuclear age and now the digital age, the doomsday clock is still very close to that midnight position which causes many to stop and think. By the way  the doomsday clock is described as ‘a metaphor, a reminder of the perils we must address if we are to survive on the planet’. We think that most people on earth, if asked today, would probably say that they feel that the world is heading towards a catastrophe. That catastrophe could occur in any number of ways including climate, war, corruption etc, etc.

Are Christians burying their heads in the sand?

By the very nature of Christ’s teachings and the Bible narrative, Christians cannot simply bury their heads in the sand or just let someone else deal with it, or simply ignore the signs. Sooner or later it is entirely possible the apparent trajectory of humankind will increasingly directly affect every Christians’ life. Negative stories in the media and shifting culture and attitudes and politics, for example, have a massive long-term impact on the already eroded Christian church (at least, in the ‘developed’ western world), as well as on individual Christians and on the voice that Christians have.

The views of the secular world and the confusion over the answers to critical questions about such things as identity, justifying wars and advancement of technology also points to the metaphorical doomsday clock. Of course, there are good ways and bad ways of dealing with each unique situation in the world and in our personal lives, but overall it is better to have a good understanding of the issues troubling the wider world as well as awareness of  individual’s struggles immediately around you, rather than simply ignore everything if it doesn’t interest or directly affect you. This is not so that we worry about it, but rather so that we can be more Godly-wise as Christians seek God’s voice in a difficult, broken world full of compromises and wrongs.

How do you react?

How we react to things is just as important as what originally happened or how it got started. Mistakes happen – we live in a fallen world (Romans 8:22), and some situations will appear, at least on this earth, not to have a perfectly right answer. Keeping close to God, reading the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit is the best course of action for Christians as they look for answers when negotiating interactions with the world.

Don’t conform to the patterns of this world

Romans 12:2: ‘Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.’

A Christian should no longer conform to the ‘pattern of this world’ but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. As a result of this, it can be easier to spot the difference between what is in line with God’s will and what is not. It is good to remember where we’ve come from as our minds are renewed, because then we can even more easily spot the ‘patterns of this world’ and act and react in a Godly way – in line with Gods will, and not conforming to the ways of the world. Perhaps it is easier to spot something if you already have understanding and know what it is. You can also then distance yourself from it more easily if God is calling you to do that.

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Should Christians interact with the world? – yes, because you’re already ‘set apart’…

See also, John 15:19 and there are other Bible verses too. A Christian is ‘set apart’ from this world, so in a way, as we continue to be transformed into the likeness of God, we can look more and more at the world from the ‘outside’ and gain a totally different perspective as a result. Add to this the fundamental shift in understanding of our own position and restored relationship with God, and the world will look a very different place. Surely, all this and so much more should cause Christians to view and interact with the world positively, but differently.

Ultimately, it is up to an individual how they choose to interact with the world – after all we live in a world where there is free will. There is always a result in any interaction – good or bad – this is because of the existance of sin in the world. Sometimes actions and words by just one person can also, sadly, radiate out so far as to affect another people who are unconnected, innocent and simply going about their business. This is perhaps only a part, very basic, answer to the serious question ‘why did God allow that to happen?’ that most of us have asked ourselves and others more than once in life. Freewill and choice are powerful things on this earth, for this reason, please always seek to use them for good and with great wisdom because they have been entrusted to you.

Further reading and links

To explore more questions and difficult topics, try our tough questions for Christians page.

To engage the world means being present in it – Gospel Coalition

3 Reasons Christians Must Engage the World (And Not Run from It) – iBelieve

How can believers be in the world, but not of the world? – Got Questions