Are you looking for a new UK Christian job, volunteer role, or even perhaps a new career?

Information on this page is intended as resource and starting point for your church, voluntary or charity work UK Christian job search. We hope and pray it will help you to find temporary, full-time, perminant, part-time employment or voluntary positions. Most importantly, we hope it helps you find jobs specifically related to working in Christian ministry.

To help narrow your search  for a UK Christian job or voluntary role, we have chosen sites that include current job vacancies in the UK.

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These lists are by no means complete, and we are still building it, so please let us know if you have an appropriate website which could be suitable for this page. You can submit your website for consideration here.


UK Christian Jobs and voluntary work

Christian Jobs offered by UK Christian companies and charities on their own websites


Other pages with helpful information, advice and ideas for Christian job seekers

Job Clubs – CAP (opens in a new window).

Employment Plus – Salvation Army (opens in a new window).

General UK secular recruitment and employment websites

The web sites and portals listed below are not specifically Christian focussed. Hoever, they do include the ability to search for Christian jobs UK by location or include a specific Christian focussed job section.

Try searching for ‘Christian’ or the name of the organisation or area of work you would like to be in. For example, ‘church administrator’ or ‘church leadership’ or ‘charity’ etc.


Is a website link above not working? Please let us know. This helps us keep the page up-to-date. Thank you.

This page is by no means exhaustive, and will be added to over time. You can suggest a link for consideration to be added to this page here.