Be true to yourself by first knowing your true self in God…

A reminder of the important things in life, but just missing one point – the most important point, from which all else, including the stuff in the video is the true source and motivation.

Without God, the things in the video below are just ‘good works’ and nice thoughts in the world we live – but consider the video in the context of my paragraph below to include the most important point, by way of introduction, before considering the rest of the things in the video.

Although it’s not a Christian video, by way of encouragement, a little thought to go with it. Consider the following video (link included at end of this note) in the context of Christian life and how God sees a person… – you are viewed as worth it and valued already by God.

Consider this as the original motivation and source of the encouragements and reminder of the things in the video.

A person can be free to be ‘true to yourself’ because all were first created by God in His image and all are known by Him, even if many don’t yet know Him. It is less about the strain of human effort required to continually keep on ‘doing good’ being ‘true to yourself’ and ensure that one regularly and continually does all the suggested important things in life but rather more about getting to know and understand God first, then one can understand and be free to ‘be true to your self by first knowing your true self in God’. Does this make any sense?!